Functional Nutrition & Women's Health

Areas of Expertise

Postpartum Nutrition

Nutrition for healing, recovery, breastfeeding and repleting your nutrient stores. Improve energy, mood, milk supply and body image. Balance your hormones and optimize metabolism even in this phase of life!

Gut Health

Nutrition and lifestyle support including functional lab testing to help manage and eliminate gastrointestinal symptoms such as IBS, bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, urgency, IBD, and more. 

Metabolism Support

Boost your metabolism using proven evidence based strategies rather than restricting calories which leads slowing down your metabolism, hormones and thyroid. 

Women’s Hormone Health

Nutrition and lifestyle support for hormonal balance with functional lab testing available. Get to the root cause of hormonal imbalances that are causing painful periods, fertility problems, weight loss resistance and more.

Diabetes and Disease Management & Prevention

Learn to control blood sugar and prevent disease in a sustainable and manageable way that allows you to still experience joy with food.

Client Wins

I feel so rested when I wake up! My days are so much more productive and I am able to go to bed on time or early! My milk supply has increased! And my mood is much happier! I feel like I can handle stress so much better! Overall I feel more balanced than I ever have even before pregnancy!


Energy! Happier and more positive! Less stiff & sore! Symptom free periods! Sleep is awesome! Weight is actually moving down, 20lbs down!


My eating habits have greatly improved which made me feel better physically. I lost some weight and that boosted my personal self esteem. Christina has been very supportive, helpful, and understanding through my journey.



Feel free to message me with any questions about my services.

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